Welcome to the Calha Norte PortalYour digital exploration of conservation zones in the Northern Brazilian Amazon begins here. Navigate through this site to use maps, digital tools and articles to explore the area and current research around improving the relationship between environmental stewardship and human development.
In the discover tab you will find an introductory interactive map of the Calha Norte region. Take your discovery further and peruse the User's Guide for exercises and in-depth explanations on how to use this tool. You are encouraged download the Google Earth software and the KMZ file for a more complete version of the Calha Norte interactive map! |
About the Calha Norte region
Calha Norte is home to the largest mosaic of protected areas in the world.
The name "Calha Norte" means northern trench, it refers to the Amazonian region to the north of the Amazon river, extending from the massive riverine artery to encompass the Northern Guyana Plateau. This immense region area spans two Brazilian states, Pará and Amapá, and extends to the international borders between Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana in the North. The Calha Norte mosaic of protected areas attempts to unite conservation zones across the region to protect environmental corridors, the mosaic is a patchwork of indigenous territories, quilombola reserves and federal and state-level parks. The mosaic initiative has been in negotiations since 2000, and once fully implemented it will represent the largest connected expanse of protected areas in the world. This portal will allow the user to explore each of the protected areas that make up this impressive region, and its wealth of cultural diversity. Navigate through indigenous and quilombola reserves, federal and state-level parks, and visit municipal capitals to engage with your own tailor-made exploration of the magnificent Calha Norte region.
Keep up to date with recent events and news on the Calha Norte conservation initiatives, as well as other important news about the wider Amazon region. Engage in discussion and reflection with the author, to spark your creativity and interest in exploring Calha Norte, the Amazon, and topics of development and conservation.